Black History: Coming Home – Celebrating our Ancestors

Sun, 25 October 2020 19:00 – 20:30

We come together to honour our Afrikan/Black Ancestors during Black History Month in the UK . We come home to our bodies, our minds to honour, heal and celebrate. We come home to remember the evolution of human life – our motherland -Africa

Coming Home is a reminder that racial healing and justice is part of every day life. Our Buddhist and Mindfulness teachers of Afrikan descent from South Africa, UK and USA to honour our ancestors, our heritage and our contributions which has contributed to the culture, wisdom, wealth and development of countries around the world.

The basis of music in the western world can be traced back to our African ancestors. Music has brought joy, hope, energy, love and passion in liberation from oppression. This evening is an opportunity to home to ourselves and one another: healing our bodies, minds and spirit, whilst honouring the contributions of our ancestors.

This event is the series finale with musicians Samantha Rise(USA) and Melissa James (UK), a fitting tribute in honouring the significant musical contributions our Afrikan ancestors have gifted the world. We come together to heal with music, singing, chanting, dancing.

Donations for the time and energy of artists are welcomed. Please use the link to donate in advance:

Samantha Rise : From Wyoming to Philadelphia, Sam’s vocals weaves together improvised, mountain folk and neo-soul styles crafting a unique fabric in her original music, described in her own words as “High-Country Soul.” Rise’s lyrics and songwriting are both sensual and staggering in their unblinking accounts of what it is to be a woman of color in America, 2018. From unrequited love to police brutality, the #MeToo movement and mass incarceration, Rise reconciles the conversations our country cannot seem to engage, with songs we cannot help but love. She invites us to wade through the grief and joy we know toward a future we create together, standing courageously and vulnerably, where the west begins.

Rise’s debut release, Brighter Days, will landed in four installments over the solstice and equinox in 2018. Her singles Let the Great World Spin and Rye Grass Riders are available on Apple Music, Spotify and Soundcloud.

Melissa James : Melissa James is a Singer who uses the gift of her voice, and her writing of songs, for personal and collective healing. She is the Founder of Big Sing initiative SING4SANE. This project was spearheaded by Melissa’s song Live Again.Live Again is the soundtrack to Darkness into Light in Brussels which, supports people who are affected by suicide.

In 2017, her SING4SANE Parliamentary Big Sing came with support from MPs Luciana Berger and Helen Whately. Her most recent Big Sing performance of Live Again was held at Cambridge Folk Festival in summer 2019.

Melissa’s latest venture is Stronger on Sundays. Still in its early initiation, these are live music and discussion sessions held via Zoom which allow space for growth and the expansion of our understanding of humanity through hearing the stories and experiences of others around race, prejudice and injustice.

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