Helping Children and Young People Understand Race

Friday 15 October 2021

A special event for children’s and youth workers on Christianity and race


Krish is an experienced teacher and trainer. He has a PhD in theology from Kings College London. He brings his experience as a cross cultural missionary, church leader, charity founder and government advisor to the vital topic of racial justice. Dr Kandiah is a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio 2 and 4. He has written 13 books and numerous articles for the Guardian, The Times, The Spectator as well as Christianity Today. Dr Kandiah has spoken at the Global Leadership Summit at Willow Creek Church, the Q conference, The Royal Albert Hall and the Google Plex. He has 6 children and is a foster carer and adoptive father.

This fast-moving live seminar which takes place in Black History Month will include plenty of opportunities for questions and interaction as well as practical and biblical advice on how to to help children understand race , the Bible and Christian faith.

Krish’s latest book “Whistletop Tales: around the world in 10 Bible Stories” helps children and young people to explore the love of God, diversity and inclusion.

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