Peace, Poverty and Betrayal: A New History of British India
Wednesday 16 February 2022
Zoom lectures presented by The British in India Historical Trust. This month’s speaker is RODERICK MATTHEWS.
General Admission to this lecture and the five others listed at the foot of this page. This ‘all six lectures’ ticket is available for purchase until 18 October and can bought on the booking page for ‘Ruling the Savage Periphery’. Select the green ‘Tickets’ button and you will find the ‘All six lectures’ ticket listed there: £30
Additional donation (optional) to promote scholarship by funding essay and book prizes for excellence in historical writing on the British in South Asia between 1600 and 1947: £1 suggested
Please contact the organiser if you would like to attend the lecture but are experiencing financial hardship during the pandemic. Or if you have any queries.