Archive Revelations VI: PanAfrican Visions

29th May, 7pm

Films are shown courtesy of Roy Anderson and Cedric Ido

Akwantu: The Journey, Director: Roy Anderson, Jamaica, 2012, 87mins

Little is known about the Maroons of Jamaica: the enslaved Africans whose rebellions were victorious in their 19-year fight for self-government from the British in 1739, almost sixty years before the Haitian Revolution (1791), and nearly 100 years before the abolition of the slave trade (1834) in the British colonies. Anderson, a Maroon descendent, takes us from remote regions of Jamaica’s Blue and John Crow Mountains, to the coastal regions of Ghana and its interior, and to the isolated Maroon community of Accompong.

Twagga (Invincible), Director: Cedric Ido, Burkina Faso, 2013, 33mins 

A boy dreams of developing superhuman powers to help him conquer trying situations in his young life. His story unfolds in 1987 in Burkina Faso, [The Land of upright people], the year in which its visionary young president, Thomas Sankara was assassinated.

Q&A follows after screening

Tickets £10/£8 Conc can be booked on line via this link: Archive Revelations VI: PanAfrican Visions


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