The Black Women’s Reproductive Health Report Launch & Celebratory Event

Thursday 4th August

The launch of a report concerning Black Women’s menstrual and reproductive health. Followed by performances of black female creatives.


Black Women’s Reproductive Health is repeatedly at risk. Join us in our mission to change that….

The Black Women’s Reproductive Health project, working under The African Pot (T.A.P), advocates for racial equality and racial justice in female reproductive healthcare with a focus on the needs and wellbeing of Black women.

We are the first UK project of its kind that specifically represents the experiences of Black women* when seeking support from female reproductive health specialists. Existing data shows Black women are five times more likely to suffer fatal pregnancy related consequences; this project looks at Black women’s holistic reproductive health in an effort to eradicate the causes of this inequality.

For the last 18 months we have surveyed over 160 Black women, via online surveys and in person focus groups, and at the beginning of August we’ll be releasing a summary report detailing the experiences and wellbeing needs of the people we’ve spoken to.

Join us on Thursday 4 August for an evening of:

  • Discussions of the report from a panel of Black Women’s Rights activists to answer your questions about the report and their work on dismantling racism;
  • Performances and showcases of art from a variety of black female creatives.

Please feel free to contact us should you wish to perform or get involved with the event / our project more generally.

*This project supports Black women of African and/or African-Caribbean heritage and represents people with female reproductive systems who may not identify as women, including trans-men and non-binary people.

£8 tickets in advance