A collaborative event between Hub Cymru Africa, Disability in Wales and Africa and Disability Wales, to celebrate the UN International Day of Disabled People (IDDP), in Wrexham, North Wales
The IDDP is about Reflection, Celebration, Learning, Optimism and Action
The theme for this year is ‘THE FUTURE IS ACCESSIBLE’ – envisaging a future where all people can access buildings, services and communications and are not disabled by society’s customs.
Working towards an accessible future is everyone’s responsibility -creating a future in which people are not excluded because of their impairments; emphasising barriers and working to overcome them.
Objectives of this event:
• To amplify the voices of Welsh and African disabled people and their organisations (DPOs).
• To share knowledge and understanding of disability and its significance for social change
• To develop and forge links between the Wales Africa sector, Disabled Peoples’ Organisations and disability inclusive development.
• To share the experiences of the Wales Africa Links,
• To promote the role of disabled people as equal partners amongst those Links
• To improve collaboration between disabled people and their supporters across Wales and Africa
Diwrnod rhyngwladol pobl anabl (IDDP) rhag 3ydd 2019
Digwyddiad ar y cyd rhwng Hub Cymru Africa, Anabledd yng Nghymru ac Affrica ac Anabledd Cymru, i ddathlu diwrnod Rhyngwladol Pobl Anabl (IDDP) y Cenhedloedd Unedig, yn Wrecsam, Gogledd Cymru
Mae’r IDDP yn ymwneud ag adfyfyrio, dathlu, dysgu, optimistiaeth a gweithredu
Y thema ar gyfer eleni yw ‘Mae’r dyfodol yn hygyrch’-sy’n rhagweld dyfodol lle gall pawb gael mynediad i adeiladau, gwasanaethau a chyfathrebiadau ac nad ydynt yn cael eu hanalluogi gan arferion cymdeithas.
Mae gweithio tuag at ddyfodol hygyrch yn gyfrifoldeb i bawb-gan greu dyfodol lle nad yw pobl yn cael eu hallgáu oherwydd eu namau; gan bwysleisio rhwystrau a gweithio i’w goresgyn.
Amcanion y digwyddiad hwn:
– I chwyddo lleisiau pobl anabl Cymru ac Affrica a’u sefydliadau (DPOs).
– Rhannu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o anabledd a’i arwyddocâd ar gyfer newid cymdeithasol
– Datblygu a meithrin cysylltiadau rhwng sector Cymru Affrica, mudiadau pobl anabl a datblygu cynhwysol ar gyfer anabledd.
– I rannu profiadau cysylltiadau Cymru Affrica,
– Hyrwyddo rôl pobl anabl fel partneriaid cyfartal ymhlith y cysylltiadau hynny
– Gwella cydweithrediad rhwng pobl anabl a’u cefnogwyr ledled Cymru ac Affrica