Stepping out from the shadow

The black experience in Sheffield from the days of slavery described by Sheffield historian, teacher and campaigner Mark Hutchinson

Mark’s illustrated talk will take us on a journey from 18th Century Sheffield through to the present, telling the stories of individuals and groups who influenced and campaigned for social change.


Among others we will learn about an 18th Century hell-raiser called Henry “Redhead” Yorke, a 19th Century circus manager referenced in a Beatles song, a lady of conscience who protected a runaway slave, and a Sheffield connection with Malcolm X.

Mark grew up in Oxford, the son of Jamaican parents who were members of the Windrush generation. Mark’s professional life began in Sheffield in 1992 when he joined the staff of High Storrs School. As well as classroom teaching Mark had an additional role to work with underachieving African-Caribbean pupils.

Last year he was involved in the Heritage Open Days programme in which he gave a highly acclaimed talk on the 18th and 19th Century Black History of Sheffield.

Mark is a campaigner for “Journey to Justice” which promotes social activism through the arts, education and story-telling.

We have 40 tickets available at £5.00 each. For this lecture we are offering 20 free tickets to full time students.

This promises to be a fascinating, informative and thought provoking lecture, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Paul Iseard, Friends of Portland Works, with speaker Mark Hutchinson, on the roof of Portland Works. Thank you to Rainy for a lovely photo!

Location: Portland Works Randall Street Highfield Sheffield S2 4SJ

Date and time: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:00 – 21:00 BST

Book Tickets here