Dominican writer Yaissa Jiménez describes herself as a ‘Black bitch, black mouthed Caribbean punk, writer and woman.’ As far as the rest of us are concerned, however, Yaissa Jiménez is a coconut kiss, as captivating as fire and honey. Her poetry is both fertile soil and sea water, and her beauty ever present, saturated with a great courage that continuously and effortlessly reaffirms itself, due to her determination as a creator committed to her mixed race heritage, African roots and anti-colonialist, anti-hegemonic point of view. To discover the literary work and multifaceted, multi-disciplinary presence of Yaissa is to stumble across a continent that is the molasses of the 21st century, promising the type of revolution that only a Caribbean queen could both shout about and, at the same time, silently conjure.
Join us in this talk and discover how a personal brand can be consolidated from the seed of digital platforms, how to build an international profile whilst writing in Spanish and how to advance in a firm and independent way in the literary world using verbs that burn bright in the bonfire of insolent arts.
We invite you to soak in the waters of poetry that loves itself whilst at the same time, screams of ancestral liberation.
A conversation with Yaissa Jiménez that promises to be sharp and clear, without sacrificing the candid humidity of a tropical jungle. In the hands of the London-based, Venezuelan journalist Carla Tofano, we promise to unravel the uninterrupted moments of Yaissa’s poetry alongside her personal history.
The poetry of Yaissa Jiménez: Deep seduction with Caribe Punk twist
Date 03/10/2020
Time: 5 PM (UK)
Venue: Webinar on Zoom
Ticket price: £ 0 to £ 10.-
Box Office: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/entradas-the-poetry-of-yaissa-jimenezdeep-seduction-with-caribe-punk-twist-120030300861
Event Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/entradas-the-poetry-of-yaissa-jimenezdeep-seduction-with-caribe-punk-twist-120030300861
Organization: London Spanish Book & Zine Fair
e-mail: info@londonspanishbookfair.co.uk
website: www.londonspanishbookfair.co.uk