NOTTINGHAM: 70th Windrush Anniversary Special Celebration

The event will feature spoken word and music in celebration of the Windrush 70th anniversary

70th Windrush Anniversary Special Celebration Spoken Word and Music

70th Windrush Anniversary Celebration spoken word & music is organised by Delroy Topnotch Young and Victor Richards.

The event will feature live performances from Victr Richards, a screening of BUFF Award nominated music video Stress Paved With Gold and additional special guests as they celebrate the history and legacy of WIndrush together.


Date: Friday 22nd June 2018
Time: Doors open 8pm Starts 9pm till late
Venue: Antenna (9A Beck Street Nottingham NG1 1EQ)
Early Bird Tickets: £5 before end of April after £8 more on the door

9A Beck Street