Over the course of their residency at Studio Voltaire, They Are Here will organise a series of talks at key locations relevant to their practice. These sites will emphasise the role of site and locality within their work, as well as questioning how location affects thought and process. The first of these will be at their studio, Old Manor Park Library on Romford Road in conversation with artist Rosalie Schweiker, discussing how locality affects practice. Subsequent talks will take place at Studio Voltaire, a favourite coffee shop, Harun’s boat and the roof of Helen’s flat.
The event is free but due to high demand, booking is recommended.
In Residence is a new strand of the Participation Programme which supports artists with a particular focus on public and social practice, connecting the gallery with our locality over an extended period of time.
About the artists:
They Are Here (f. 2006) is a collaborative practice steered by Helen Walker and Harun Morrison. They are currently based in London and on the River Lea. Their work can be read as a series of context specific games. The entry, invitation or participation can be as significant as the game’s conditions and structure. Through these games, they seek to create ephemeral systems and temporary, micro-communities that offer an alternate means of engaging with a situation, history or ideology. They Are Here work across media and types of site, particularly civic spaces. Institutions they have developed or presented work include: CCA Glasgow, Furtherfield, Grand Union, Konsthall C (Stockholm), Southbank Centre, South London Gallery, STUK (Leuven, Belgium) and Tate Modern.