Race on the Intersection: Uncover the stories of Black women of faith in race equality activism with Reverend Gale Richards.
Reverend Canon Gale Richards will explore the ‘diversity of beliefs within and between faith groups.’ Following that, Gale will delve into UnLearning, examining it through the lens of the stories of Black women of faith who have been at the forefront of race equality activism. Gale will also share research findings from her own study on the lives of Black British Christian women.
Gale gained her first degree in criminal justice and holds postgraduate qualifications in youth and community work, and in theology. She has contributed to a number of publications including:
Text and Story, Prophets for their time and ours (Centre for Baptist History and Heritage Studies, Occasional Papers, Volume 9, Oxford, 2014)
Learning from the Church’s Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Responding to the Exploitation and Trafficking of People Today (in Slavery-Free Communities: Emerging Theologies and Faith Responses to Modern Slavery, Ed. Dan Pratt) (London: SCM, 2021)
Gale currently serves as a part-time regional minister for the Eastern Baptist Association, as the Chair of Churches Together in Cambridgeshire, and as an Ecumenical Canon at Ely Cathedral. She is also one of a number of associate chaplains at ARU’s Cambridge campus – assisting the lead campus chaplain in serving the needs of students and staff, and by serving on ARU’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group.