Final tranche of evening events released here… (Click “Tickets” button top right)
Please also find our “supper clubs” – exclusive three course meals with entertainment at Bishop Grossteste University. Very select with just fifty covers each night. Full details and menu’s when you follow the link.
A Fashionable Supper Club – Friday 26th
Mother’s Ruin Supper Club – Saturday 27th
The Folk Singer’s Supper Club – Sunday 28th
We also have a limited number of special day features. Tickets are available here Asylum Daytime
IMPORTANT: Evening tickets are specific to individual features. There are a lot of different events and features since it is a varied festival. Please take care to book the correct ticket for the feature you want to attend. There is a fuller description of each ticket under the “more info” link next to the ticket title.
Please note some tickets have a minimum age requirement. We MAY be able to waive this on a case by case basis but sadly we may not be able to do so until the end of June due to management constraints. We apologise for this.
Tickets are NOT REFUNDABLE unless the event is cancelled and you book understanding that. (We do however allow you to sell tickets on to other people and the fact our events always sell out means this is not usually a problem. You may only sell them on for what you have paid for them. Attempts at profiteering will render your tickets null and void without refund or recourse.)
We ask people not to try and attend more than one feature on any particular evening please. Our events are always over subscribed and it is nice if as many people as possible can have the chance to enjoy features. Thank you.
The festival also has a huge daytime programme of markets, parades, talks, games, guests, entertainments, workshops, displays, exhibitions and plain old fashioned fun. Wristbands to access the day component are available via the main website www.asylumsteampunk.co.uk
Is there an age limit to enter the event?
Some features do have age limits. They are specified indivudally on each feature under the “more info” button.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?
You can email majortinker@aol.com with questions about the event. Please note however that we are volunteers running the event not a full time business so we may not be able to respond for a couple of days although we try to answer much much quicker than that.
Can I update my registration information?
Yes by logging back into your eventbrite account if you have one.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
You can either bring a printout of your ticket or show it on a mobile device. We need to be able to scan the barcode to check you off the list and admit you to the event.
What is the refund policy?
We are very sorry but we cannot offer refunds unless the event is cancelled. We have to pay fees on your ticket which are not refunded to us. This would mean your change of circumstances costing the festival money and as a not for profit this could harm the event. You are however free to pass on or even sell on your ticket as long as you do so at the cost value or less. Profiteering may lead us to cancel your ticket without refund.
The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?
This is not normally a problem but it is wise to enter the correct name when you buy the ticket as it helps if you have a problem. Remember you can edit your registration information too.