Being Human: Black Women in Leadership – III: Leadership and Self-Care

Sunday 19 December 2021

As part of the Being Human Series, the Hanover Centre is proud to present its newest programme of interactive and psychologically informed leadership study for Black women.


The aims of this bespoke programme are:

  1. To develop the mindset, tools, agility, confidence for Black women leaders to lead with impact.
  2. To help make the concept of leadership for Black women human…
  3. To identify, explore and understand the personal, social, racial, organisational and psychological barriers for Black women leaders,
  4. To help Black women leaders identify and bridge the gap between where they are and where they need to be, to progress into more senior roles.
  5. To empower and support Black women leaders development by increasing their self- awareness, confidence, feelings of empowerment and self-efficacy.
  6. To develop Black women leaders emotional, cognitive and organisation wellbeing and self- care to improve their resilience and capacity to adapt and lead in a VUCA world.

Black Women in Leadership:

This programme was developed by senior Black female leaders from EDI, HR and Psychology for Black female leaders. It combines 48 years of knowledge, experience and understandings to the task of Black women leadership development. The insights and learnings from these three distinct, but related fields create a bespoke and comprehensive programme of learning for Black women leaders.

This interactive programme includes learning about the task of leadership, leading from a Black female perspective within White workplaces and workspace and leading within the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world of the Coronavirus pandemic, remote working and the constant fear/threat of business annihilation.

This psychological and reflective element of the ‘Group Active Learning (GAL) Spaces” also helps mitigate against the failing to which other leadership programmes fall victim. That is the difficulty for training attendees to sustain and implement their learning over time. Many people leave training programmes excited and motivated to change, however, when back in their workplace or workspace, they revert to old and familiar ways of being. The ‘GAL Spaces’ offer attendees a dedicated brave space to emotionally and cognitively explore and examine their learning and integrate it into leadership practices.

The certificate in Black Women in Leadership is a rich programme for Black women leaders. It addresses the limitations of conventional and generic advice to women and empowers Black women leaders to embrace their uniqueness and be the best leader that they can be.

Programme Learning Aims/Outcomes

Attendees who complete this course will learn:

  • How to understand themselves as a high performing, psychologically relevant and inspiring Black female leader.
  • How to effectively lead from a distance within VUCA post pandemic world.
  • This includes understanding the psychology of communication and influencing people, managing conflicts and developing and maintaining a high performing team.
  • How to develop insights into organisational cultures, both conscious and unconscious processes and use their leadership practices and knowledge to identify, challenge and work towards changing aspects of organisational culture which convene the protected characteristics as identified by the Equality Act 2010.

Weekend III – Leadership and Self-Care

This two day reflective learning space will focus on:

  • Understanding what professional self-care is.
  • Understanding the importance of self-care as a Black female leader and during Coronavirus.
  • Creating your self-care strategy.
  • Understanding how you can use self-care strategies to improve professional and team performance.
  • Identifying how through self-care you can add value to your work, team and organisation.
  • Raising your professional profile.

Full Programme Information

The full Certificate is offered as a six month blended learning process, comprising teaching weekends and half day ‘GAL Spaces’.

This 11 -day (in total) programme is offered over 6 months and comprises 4 weekends of study and 4 monthly group active learning spaces to consolidate the learning and to offer support between weekends.

There will be a follow up in February 2022 where attendees can reflect upon their leadership and personal development almost 2 years on from the March 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.

We recognise that this is a significant milestone. Early-mid 2020 saw how a pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement impacted the world as we knew it. They changed the shape of businesses, and the nature of work and task of leadership.

As part of the full programme a personality assessment and feedback session in included in the programme fee.

There is the option of individual coaching during the programme. This incurs an additional cost. Please email the organisers for more information.

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