Rest as Resistance: A Self-Care Program for Leaders of Color
Thursday 3 March 2022
A four-session cohort program for Black people and other folks of color doing racial equity work to heal, learn, and rest in community.
Black folks and people of color—we see you, we feel you, we are you. We are tired. Daily life on its own takes a mental, physical, psychic, and emotional toll (thanks, white supremacy culture), nevermind the generational, cumulative effects of structural violence and oppression. For those of us who are racial equity practitioners and change agents—trained caretakers of other people—we are more likely to have constant exposure to our own as well as others’ traumas. Add to that the never-ceasing, visual reminders of our pain and struggle and grief, and we can internalize the notion that joy is elusive, that rest is a luxury, and that wellness is something for white people. We often experience guilt when we aren’t doing something.