The Woodford Rapper

Tues 2 Oct - Sat 29 Dec 2018

Derek B shot to fame in the late 1980s as one of the first commercially successful black British hip-hop artists.

Learn about the life and career of this important local rapper in our small temporary display in Redbridge Museum, Derek B: The Woodford Rapper.

On display for the first time are photographs, albums and music from his life, lent by his family and friends. This includes his Silver Record celebrating 60,000 album sales, on loan from the Black Cultural Archives.

To supplement this display, we are hosting a free talk with Jim Ives. Join us for a personal look at the rapper’s journey from a pirate radio DJ to a successful hip-hop artist, record producer and remixer.

The talk is on Wednesday 17 October 2018, 6.30pm on 2nd floor of Redbridge Central Library. Book your tickets now: