Grand Union Re:Generation Band – Friday Sessions  

Friday 27th October

There is no musical organisation on the planet quite like the Grand Union Orchestra. For over 40 years, we have brought together musicians & singers born or brought up in all major musical traditions worldwide to create spectacular live shows, combining music and theatre to reflect vividly the society we live in today. Grand Union Orchestra is the acknowledged pioneer and leading exponent of cross-cultural music-making in the UK.


Once memorably commended for ‘making cultural diversity an art-form’, Grand Union continues to blaze a trail unrivalled by any other organisation, characterised by its story-telling and the authentic lived experience of its artists. Our music encompasses Indian ragas, Latin American salsa, Chinese harmonies, Bengali songs, reggae basslines, West African and South African drumming, Bhangra and Samba rhythms, Eastern European styles and big band Blues. Many Grand Union musicians are first-generation migrants.

Grand Union Re:Generation Band… Residents of Poplar Union Arts Centre are 2nd generation musicians of the orchestra, hot on the heels of their debut EP release – the band pick up their autumn residency in black history month – celebrating the West African and Caribbean elements of the group and leading with a stunning percussion ensemble fused with afro/jazz compositions.

The Grand Union Orchestra is the acknowledged pioneer and leading exponent of cross-cultural music making in the UK. The Re:Generation Band are 2nd generation musicians that

Share each others heritages exploring West African, Caribbean, Bengali, European and Korean music forms. Our Poplar Union monthly residency in its 4th year showcases musicians from all of these cultures.

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