Look How Far We’ve Come Community Talk

November 1, 2017

Look... DVD cover
Look... DVD cover

Look DVD cover
Look DVD cover

Ahead of next year’s 50th anniversary of the 1968 Race Relations Act, history consultant Kwaku uses the screening of his ‘Look How Far We’ve Come’ vox pops documentary to lead a discussion on African British civil rights struggles, and how far society has come, or regressed, in engaging with racism within a post-Brexit Britain 52 years after the enactment of the first Race Relations Act. This is an inclusive event aimed at an inter-generational, multicultural audiece. Part of Tower Hamlets African History Month 2017.

Look… Community Talk consists of screening of the ‘Look How Far We’ve Come: Commentaries On British Society And Racism?’ DVD, followed by discussions on racism, and other political and local societal issues. If you would like a presentation in your area, please contact Awula Serwah, btwsc@hotmail.com.

Also check out www.BBM.eventbrite.com for music related, www.HarrowBHM.eventbrite.com and www.AfricanHistoryPlus.eventbrite.com for history and community events.

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