APSC Business Alliance

Monday 25 October - Sunday 31 October 2021

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A APSC 2020 uniu forças com a maior rede de empreendedores e investidores na Grã-Bretanha BABA (British African Business Alliance) criando desta uma aliança “APSC Business Alliance” parte da aliança de negócios Africanos uma rede de líderes empresariais voltados para os paises Afro Portugueses no Reino Unido; unimos forças para estimular o investimento inovador, as parcerias comerciais, os projetos de desenvolvimento e a criação de empregos nos países africanos de língua portuguesa no continente Africano e no Reino Unido.

More Westminster Listings MORE

Westminster Saturday 8 March – Saturday 14 June, 2025


★★★★★ ‘The finest new play about a pivotal moment in civil rights history’  The Telegraph   Following its…

Westminster Saturday 24 May

Black History River Cruise

3 hour cruise along the Thames from Temple to Greenwich and back showing the thousands of years of…

Westminster Tuesday 11 March

Marisha Wallace

West End and Broadway sensation Marisha Wallace is returning to the Adelphi Theatre for her biggest ever headline show.   The musical…

Westminster Saturday 29 March

Secrets of Soho, Black History Walk

This special walk delves into an amazing depth of African/Caribbean history between Soho Square and Russell Square.  …