This class is part of London Drawing Group’s Feminist Lecture Program,a rotating weekly lecture program dedicated to discussing all things Feminist.
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You’d be forgiven if you thought that abstract art was only created by men of European descent. It’s easy to believe this as often when you conduct any research about abstract art then you are presented with the usual suspects – Mondrian, Rothko and Kandinski are just a few for example. However, what if I told you that there is an untold history of abstract art that is not often spoken about, a history that involves black women artists.
This talk will take you on a journey of discovery and enlightenment. Starting with the foundation of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 70s and what it meant for black women artists who felt called to go against the grain and immerse themselves in abstraction, artists like Alma Thomas, Mildred Thompson, and Mary Lovelace O’Neal. To more recent artist such as Jennie C Jones and Jade Fadojutimi who have managed to find their own unique place in the mainstream art world, thus paving a way for other black women abstract artists like them to follow.
If nothing else, you will go away with a new appreciation and understanding of abstract art and the contributions that black women have made through the centuries.
Yvette Miller is an abstract artist, visionary coach, and founder of the Black Cube Collective. Established in 2020 soon after launching her art business, the Black Cube is focused on championing the work of black women abstract artists from both the past and present day. Since its inception Yvette has dedicated herself to sharing a new narrative about the history of abstract art, telling the story from a non- Eurocentric perspective.
Get Ticket here
Date and time: Mon, 6 March 2023, 18:30 – 20:30 GMT
Once you have booked your place, you will be able to access information on how to join the event via your Eventbrite “Online Event Page”. You can access this by signing into Eventbrite using the email that you booked with.
The recording will be sent out after the event finishes, within 2 hours of the end of the class. Please add londondrawinggroup@gmail.com to your email contacts to ensure you receive the recording as expected.
Please note that the recording can be viewed once within 7 days.
Everyone is welcome to join this Pay-What-You-Can class. We suggest a donation of £20, all of which will go to our FLP lecturers and tutors. However, we understand that may not be possible for everybody. Please be honest and pay what you can afford so that we may continue to offer our sessions on a donation basis.