British Black Music Month Offer Two Opportunities To Engage With The World Of Web3 And The Metaverse
At the turn of this century, not only were file-sharing platforms like Napster distrupting the music industry, record companies in particular did not know how to engage with the internet.
Consequently, some record companies went as far as to either own their artists’ websites or to control what music and digital assets could be posted on their artists’ websites.
If we think we’ve come a long way from then, and that we all now understand the internet, then most of us are in for a shock.
What we’ve been used to for these years has been web2. Depending on where one is in terms of the webspace and digital technology, web3 is either off one’s radar, around the corner, or is already here.
So what’s web3? It’s the next stage of the web – the www, or World Wide Web, that we type or click on to reach a website or digital resource. The difference is that web3 is based on decentralised networks, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.
If all that’s way over your head. There’s also the metaverse, that’s on the verge of being mainstreamed. The metaverse literally offers an almost realistic replication of the real world within a virtual reality.
This simple definition belies the great possibilities for humanity living parallel lives in the real and virtual world. The monies that can be made from virtual real estate and services is probably the reason the Facebook parent company has renamed itself Meta.
But the opportunities aren’t just for the big companies. Individuals, be they creatives or non-creative persons, can harness the opportunities being offered by web3 today.
It’s for this reason that the annual British Black Music Month (BBMM) is closing by offering two Zoom opportunities for people to learn about how to engage with this new world of web3 and the potential monetary and non-monetary opportunities it offers.
Opulous, Blockchain, NFT: The Future Of The Music Industry Is Already Here takes place Wednesday July 20, 6-8pm BST. It is delivered by Joe Mason, Head of Artist Services at Opulous, the web3, decentralised musicNFT financing platform founded by Ditto Music CEO Lee Parsons. The following week, Wednesday July 27, 6-8pm BST, disruptive innovations consultant Dr Laura Thompson will lead on Understanding The Impact And Opportunities Of The Metaverse On Business And Personal Life.
Both events are free and facilitated by BBMM coordinator Kwaku. There will be ample time for attendees to ask question. To book, go to: BBM.eventbrite.com.
Kwaku is a historical musicologist and music industry consultant. He is also the UK coordinator of International Reggae Day and co-organiser of The Lovers Rock Forum – 1970s Revealed marking Lovers Rock @ 50 on Oct. 19: https://bit.ly/70sLRForum</em>
BBM Reggae Stakeholder Meeting 13 is on Tuesday July 26, 6-8pm via Zoom. Stakeholders can join from anywhere in the world. To book, go to: BBM.eventbrite.com.