When a young boy’s snowman comes to life on Christmas Eve, the two set off on a night-time quest for adventure. They meet Father Christmas, dancing penguins, reindeer and crowds of The Snowman’s friends, but will they escape evil Jack Frost and get back home for Christmas morning?
Based on Raymond Brigg’s much-loved book and featuring Howard Blake’s classic song Walking In The Air, this enchanting live show has thrilled audiences throughout the world since first appearing on stage over twenty-five years ago. Be a part of the magic.
Music and Lyrics by Howard Blake
Designer Ruari Murchison
Lighting Designer Tim Mitchell
Choreographer Robert North
Director Bill Alexander
Fees and Charges
Please note there is a transaction fee of £2.50 on all payment types. This covers administration costs and postage and enables us to provide a dedicated booking service. This charge does not apply to transactions under £10, group bookings over 50 and school group bookings. We also waive this charge if you are a REP Friend. Please talk to a member of our BOX office team if you require further information.