We launch British Black Music Month (BBMM) 2018 with the premiere of the full version of the ‘Britain’s Contribution To The Development Of Reggae’ vox pops documentary – 5 years in the making, it was initially started to mark Jamaica’s 50th anniversary.
Organised by BritishBlackMusic.com/Black Music Congress
Britains Contribution To Reggae
It’s poignant that we start British Black Music Month (BBMM) 2018 by marking Reggae @ 50 with probably the only time that the full version of ‘Britain’s Contribution To The Development Of Reggae’ will receive a public screening. The documentary has contributions from dozens of contributors* drawn randomly – it includes artists, producers, journalists, DJs, broadcasters, lecturers, and music fans.
Event takes place at University College London near Euston Square (full address upon booking – there’s a £5 refunable charge); wheel chair accessible.
This family-friendly event includes an introduction to the BBMM2018 programme, a short Windrush @ 70-inspired presentation on Britain and Reggae in the last 50 years entitled ‘Reggae Could Not Hve Become An International Phenomenon Withut Britain!’, plus a quick-fire quiz, with a few reggae prizes.
Part of BBMM2018 Reggae @ 50 programming. Watch the DRAFT trailer at: www.bit.ly/BritRegDev.
For details or to book International Reggae Day London 2018: www.bitly.com/IRDLDN2018.
To be kept in the loop of BBMM2018 events: www.BBM.eventbrite.com.