The History of Black People in Gloucestershire

Wednesday 21st October

BHM celebrates the contributions and achievements that Black, African and Caribbean communities have made locally in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire, as well as the world over. The aim of the month is to promote knowledge of Black history, culture and heritage; to disseminate information on positive Black contributions to British society; and to heighten the confidence and awareness of Black people to their cultural heritage.

Black History Month in Cheltenham is a collaborative effort by the African Community Foundation Gloucestershire, Cheltenham West End Partnership and Cheltenham Borough Council.

Florence Thomas, Chair of Gloucestershire African Community Foundation, said: “We are really excited about this year’s events.  We ran a successful programme in 2014 for the first time, but this year is bigger and better and we hope that lots of local people will get involved”.

“It is important to remember the challenges that black communities faced here in Cheltenham and across the UK. I’m delighted that Cheltenham is joining in the celebrations this year with a programme of exciting and inspirational events.”

The events are for everyone.  For full details of all of the events, please see the Facebook page at Black History Month Cheltenham, or call 01242 774960.