MonologueSlam UK Masterclasses are part of TriForce’s continued drive to promote and develop talent. These workshops are open to all those aged 14+ that audition or are considering auditioning for MonologueSlam UKwhether you are selected to perform at the Slam or are still waiting for your chance.
Please be aware that these workshops are robust and are aimed at stretching you as a performer by introducing you to new ideas and techniques.
The workshop is a fun, interactive and constructive session over four hours with a short break. The focus of the session is to analyse the quality and control of your monologue performance, highlighting strengths to build on and weaknesses to avoid or eliminate.
You will need to prepare a 1 minute or a 3 minute monologue to work on during the class.
Two performers will be chosen from the Masterclass to perform at MonologueSlam UK, Coventry.