Celebrate and reminisce about our 1985-1995 histories.
Monday 26th March 2018
6pm – 8pm
Number 70 Oxford St
We will host a panel discussion exploring our personal and collective experiences of the time. Speakers TBC.
You will get the first peak of the Lapsed Clubber Heritage Map and the first chance to add your memories.
Come along for a great evening of music and memories!
Please bring any relevany VHS or DAT recordings which we will digitise for free if you give permission for these to be used for the map.
Runing order:
6.15 – 7.15 – Panel Discussion
7.30 – 8.00 – Lapsed Clubber Heritage Map presentation
8.00 – 9.00 – Upload your memories to the map! Bring in your memorabiilia and items or images from the time to be photographed. We will offer free digitisation of VHS, DAT and other footage if you allow this footage to be used for the purposes of the map – please bring your footage in to the event!
9.00 – Building close