What a great way to get your friends together to enjoy the carnival feel of this brand new festival and celebration of all things Rum on the 10th and 11th August 2018. The event will be full of vibrancy, colour and warmth and will be like your very own tropical island party without all the holiday packing and price tag!
Featuring over 40 types of Rum and Rum based cocktails from old favourites to some real eye openers! From Light Rum to Dark Rum with plenty of Spiced Rum, it is going to be a fantastic exploration of Rum with something for every taste.
Also on offer there will be a dedicated Sparkling Prosecco Bar offering everyone’s favourite Prosecco and Prosecco Cocktails.
Savoury and sweet food will be on offer to compliment the fantastic selection of Rums with some very exciting Caribbean flavours to try.
Get your dancing shoes on for our live entertainment which will really get the place rocking with authentic music including Cuban, Brazillian and Reggae beats