Emotional Emancipation Circle – Virtual

Wed, Apr 8, 2020, 7:00 PM

About this Event

Emotional Emancipation Circles (EECs) are evidence-informed, psychologically sound, culturally grounded, and community-defined self-help support groups designed to help heal the trauma caused by anti-Black racism, while acknowledging the intersecting oppressions Black people experience, i.e. sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, etc.

In EECs, we share stories; deepen our understanding of the impact of historical forces on our sense of self-worth, our relationships, and our communities; and learn essential emotional wellness skills to help us be at our best as individuals and as a people.

This EEC is a place for Black people to share awwwl of how we’re feeling – allowing ourselves to experience the full range of human emotion, remembering the truths of our history, breaking the chains of self-limiting beliefs, and embodying joy.

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