Join Black British family historian Paul Crooks in this revealing masterclass as he traces his ancestral roots back 6 generations, spanning 200 years from the Gold Coast to Jamaica.
Discover how Paul’s research reconstructs the historical narrative of Black people enslaved in ex-British colonies in the Caribbean and North America. Gain insights into discovering your own heritage, understanding your roots, and the significant role of enslaved ancestors in driving change on a grand scale.
Part of the Ancestry Talks with Paul Crooks’ Season of Empowering Black History, this talk is suitable for those new to exploring family history, those with experience seeking ancestors and looking for additional sources of information, those facing challenges in furthering their search, and those seeking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Black History.
About the speaker
Trailblazing family historian Paul Crooks pioneered research into Black genealogy during the 1990s. He traced his family history from London, back 6 generations, to ancestors enslaved on a sugar plantation in North America.
Paul was told that it would be impossible to trace records of slave-ownership let alone his Ancestors enslaved on plantations in North America. “No one had tried because such records did not exist.” Undeterred, he embarked on a journey of discovery that led from suburban North London to North America and ultimately back to the Gold Coast.
His books, Ancestors and A Tree Without Roots – The Guide To Tracing British, African and Asian Caribbean Ancestry brought him international recognition for his breakthrough research into Black genealogy.
Paul is credited with inspiring an upsurge in interest in Black and British ancestry. He is also recognised for having spawned an industry in African Caribbean genealogy.