Founded by Barber Shop Chronicles writer Inua Ellams, and featuring London’s new young people’s laureate Theresa Lola, R.A.P (Rhythm and Poetry) Party will be taking over the Barber Shop Chronicles set for one night only in an exhilarating and vibrant live literature event celebrating poetry and hip hop.
Neither club night nor poetry reading, rave nor literary event, R.A.P Party pairs poems informed by hip hop songs and culture to a soundtrack provided by resident DJ Sid Mercutio.
Nostalgic, no-clutter, no-fuss, it feels like a house party where a few errant guests make beautiful speeches about why the DJ’s selection is the shit.
Full line-up to be announced soon.
For more like this, check out Fades, Braids & Identity – a series of theatre, photography, film and spoken word championing Black and Brown artists exploring race, gender and identity.