Exploring the Untold Stories of people of African descent. We look and investigate the reasons behind the whitewashing of history.
We invite everyone, especially youth of African heritage to investigate the whitewashing of history. We investigate the role of history in the manipulation of consciousness. We understand the manipulation of history as a leading course to most socioeconomic, psycho-cultural and self-hate situations we find ourselves in as a collective, including all the behaviours that we attest that frustrate us.
We enquire about Structural Racism as a means to suppress and perpetuate the oppressive conditions that people of African descent, especially youth, find themselves in most aspects of their lives when dealing with social institutions.
The program largely focuses on combating self-hate through imparting pride in African history and heritage. Additionally we explore culture and contributions of Africans in the history of the current civilization. We further explore matters of identity, belonging and need for a meaningful life for our youth.
THE UNTOLD STORIES is aimed at reducing knife crime and gun crime in our community. As per the statistics – we are overrepresented in Knife and Gun crime, i.e., majority of young people are of African descent. And, from the survey we conducted this year – identity, or lack of the understanding of one’s roots and heritage is one of their main causes unfortunately – therefore: JUST LIKE TREES, WE ALL NEED OUR ROOTS FOR US TO GROW.
In this project we expect a mixture of young people and Parents to be active in engaging in their personal history and backgrounds.
We will be focusing on how identity is related to an individual’s understanding of themselves as a psychological entity and much more.
We are all aware that it takes a community to raise a child and this can only be possible if we can make it a habit to come together with a grand aim of making a difference in ourselves and communities. We strongly believe that the projects we’ve designed will help bind us as a community #UBUNTU
We look foward to seeing you every last Saturday of the month from
10am – 12pm at Garthwaite Crescent.