This project responds to the need for RJ practitioner mentoring/reflective practice led by Black and Indigenous experts.
Key Elements of the project:
- Four 75-minute Reflective Practice Sessions (online) – aimed around themes explored in the book Colorizing Restorative Justice as follows: a. RJ Practice in Education settings – e.g. Chapt. 8 by Desiree Anderson. Chapt. 3 by Christina Parker.b. Calling out privilege and impunity – e.g. Structural/Institutional change – Chapt. 13 by Leon Dundas and Chapt. 10 by Gilber Salazar c. Equality and Gender Issues in RJ – e.g. Chapt. 7 by Rochelle Almengord. Personal Journeys – Practitioner Stories of Healing – Chapt. 6 by Gaye Lang and Chapt. 16 by Janice Jerome
- Medi Blitz in International RJ Week starting November 21st 2021 facilitated by Professor Don Jon Omale at the Federal University Wukari, Nigeria and Dr. Denis Yomi Tanfa; Director of RJI(M) in the UK in association with African Forum for Restorative Justice (https://www.facebook.com/groups/350384692327852) around the themes raised in Chapt. 18 by Ed Valandra and Chapt. 4 by Erica Littlewolf, Mchelle Armster and Christianne Paras
- Follow-up – 30 minute online 1-2-1 direct RJ mentoring contact
• # BIPOC/BAME RJ practitioners receive high quality professional development support• # CRJ Copies placed in African and African Diaspora countries• Positive Media exposure of the CRJ Book Project – resulting in book orders and widening use of the material in training and academic settings.