Sunday Jazz Lunch

Sunday 15 August 2021

The best in swinging classic jazz


As an icon­ic Live Music British Restau­rant, we make a Sun­day Roast a much more excit­ing venture!

End your weekend with friends and fam­i­ly with a scrump­tious 3-course Sunday lunch and a fantastic atmosphere, all accom­pa­nied with Live Jazz. £37.50 per per­son.

Cham­pi­oning the Great British roast, Bois­dale selects some of the very finest Scottish beef for the stun­ning cen­tre­piece of the new menu. An 18-hour slow roast dry-aged rib of beef, York­shire pud­ding, goose fat roast pota­toes, her­itage veg­eta­bles, red wine gravy is undoubt­ed­ly some of the high­est qual­i­ty meat avail­able in the capital.

For those look­ing for an alter­na­tive to the full Sun­day roast offer­ing, lunch dish­es includ­ing the leg­endary Bois­dale Roast Dum­friesshire black­face hag­gis bashed neeps & tat­ties will be on offeror or fish of the day more casu­al lunchtime dining.

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