H.o.l.l.a!’s Fight For Kugichagulia (Self Determination) Fundraiser Event

Wednesday 15 December 2021

H.O.L.L.A!’s FIGHT FOR KUJICHAGULIA virtual event organize philanthropists, city/state funds/resources for H.O.L.L.A!’s Safe/Brave Space


Since 2016 H.O.L.L.A! has been hitting the town running and changing the world one day at a time. We have been doing this mostly without a safe space that we can truly call our own. For three years while running our Healing Justice Movement where we did healing circles with over 100 plus orgs to date, H.O.L.L.A! had been incubated in other people’s spaces.

Though we were grateful for this, our dreams of having our own space has always been on the forefront. So many times in the space we were incubated at, we were silenced, made out to be radical, loud, and criminalized because the probation office was only a few feet away.

Our youths were often interrupted and their vulnerability muted. H.O.L.L.A!’s Fight for Kujichagulia event is a call to action to local community members, Black/Celebrities of Color, philanthropist, grassroots organizations, researchers, policy makers all to work together to get H.O.L.L.A! a DREAM/BRAVE space to continue the work and journey to save youth of color impacted by the WAR: which consist of historical trauma, systems of oppression, community violence, and internalized oppression cultivated over generations from the long standing oppression white settler enslavement and colonization of Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples.

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