Salute to Baroness Ros Howells

Testimonies to Baroness Ros Howells and her incredible legacy of fighting for human rights and equality in Britain

Baroness Howell has had an outstanding career in the fight for racial equality in Britain


Director of the Greenwich Racial Equality Council in 1994, Baroness Howells was created a Life Peer in 1999. Educated in London and in the United States, she was the first black woman on the GLC’S Training Board and the first female member of the Court of Governors of the University of Greenwich. She served as Vice Chair at the London Voluntary Services Council. She worked with the the Carnival Liaison Committee and the Greater London Action in Race Equality, campaigning for justice in the field of race relations. She is a trustee of the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust.

She was at the forefront of the fight against the labelling of Black children as Educationally Sub Normal in the 1970’s and took on racism in the financial sector and within the House of Lords itself.

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Date and time: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 13:00 – 14:15 BST

This session will hear from some of the many people she helped and worked with speaking on her impact and legacy.

This event is takes place courtesy of her daughter Anne. It is organised by Mia Morris OBE with the support of Black History Walks

Black History Walks

Black History Walks offers guided Walking Tours of London to include its African history which goes back 3500 years. We run bus and river tours too.Walks take place in 12 different areas.We also offer films, talks and workshops each month all year. See website or join mail list for details.